HF Net

The Southern Arizona Region Emergency Communications HF Net meets on the first and third Saturdays of the month at 0715 hrs MST on 3865+ –  kHz, or 7254  + – kHz as an alternate, by authority of the FCC and by the direction of the Pima County Office of Emergency Management.

Early check-ins are conducted weekly on VHF at 0700 hrs MST on the PCOEM Repeater (PCOEM CH1) at 146.88MHz, – offset, PL 110.9 

This is a directed net, organized to handle emergency traffic and net training. Thank you for your participation!

Download the Current HF Net Roll Call Roster

HF Master Net List 2H_2024 pdf-icon
HF Master Net List 2H_2024 IconExcel

ICS205 OEMComm Comm Plan revised Jan 2019 pdf-icon

Community Status Codes, June '14 pdf-icon

OEMComm Home Stations Unit Description pdf-icon

Home Stations Team

Weekly HF Net Results