The Southern Arizona Region Emergency Communications VHF Net meets every Saturday at 1300 MST on the PCOEM Repeater (PCOEM CH1) at 146.88MHz, – offset, PL 110.9, by authority of the FCC and by the direction of the Pima County Office of Emergency Management.

The purpose of the Net is to check out radio equipment operation, communications of group activities, and training.

From the Base Communication Team’s VHF Net Standard Operating Procedure (DRAFT):

The BCT shall, at least quarterly, update the Roll of participants based upon the previous quarter’s participation.  Visitors that participate a minimum of twice per quarter are added to the Roll.  Roll members with NO participation in any quarter are deleted from the Roll.

Visitors that participate one check-in per month for the quarter will be asked if they want to be added to the roll call list.
